Blue Dog Evangelicals: an Endangered Species

Where Do We Go When We Can’t See Light at the End of the Political Tunnel?

“If I Truly Believe I Am Right, Does That Make You an Idiot?” PART 2
Our Guest Bloggers

Benjamin Cremer
I have spent the majority of my life in Evangelical Christian spaces. I have experienced a lot of church hurt. I now write to explore topics that often are at the intersection of politics and Christianity. My desire is to discover how we can move away from Christian nationalism, religious fundamentalism, and church hurt to reclaim the Gospel of Jesus together. I'm glad you're here to join the conversation. I look forward to talking with you.

Mark Tuck
Mark Tuck is a retired LT Col from the Air National Guard and a lifelong member of Columbia Street Baptist Church. He has served the church in many capacities over the years. Mark has a passion for serving those in need. He humbly seeks to treat others with honor and respect, regardless of their circumstances. Mark and his wife, Suzie live in Bangor, Maine.

Buddy Spaulding
Buddy's educational background includes no formal theological training, but he does have a civil engineering background plus a Masters in Public Administration. He is a member of the American Scientific Affiliation, a network of Christians trained or working in the sciences, which in his case is loosely defined. The engineering background suffices as "scientific." He was honored to have an essay titled "God as Designer?" published in God and Nature magazine back in Spring 2018. His particular interests as a Christian are trying to retain connections with the younger generations who are leaving our churches, working to improve the rather strained relations between science and the evangelical faith, and pioneering a willingness to broaden his own faith as an example for those brave enough to consider looking outside the sometimes-narrow confines of the American evangelical subculture. Buddy has been married to Lori for nearly 41 years, has a daughter and son-in-law, two sons and a daughter-in-law, four grandchildren, two dogs, and several horses.

Jeff Greenberg
Dr. Jeff Greenberg is Emeritus Professor of Earth and Environmental Science from 33 years at Wheaton College, IL. Prior to that, he served Wisconsin as a state geologist. His earlier research interests were in Precambrian geological regions, especially their tectonic, petrologic, and geochemical characteristics. More recently, he has emphasized the role of young people as apprentice geoscientists, guided in global research and community outreach. He is Vice President of GEOLOGY IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST, Steering Committee member for The GLOBAL NETWORK FOR GEOSCIENCE AND SOCIETY, Senior Consulting Scientist (volunteer) for A Rocha-USA, and Coordinator for the stormwater pilot project, SWIRL in east-central Florida. He is unaffiliated with any particular Christian denomination.

Merry Usman
Merry is a singer, content writer, blogger, a book marketer, and recovering worship leader. For two years, Merry had the amazing opportunity to minister Christian youth with her Mom, also serving as Sunday school teacher. She is now happily living with her four sisters and both parents. She also enjoys travelling, photography, and playing with her two dogs.

Barbara Moody
Dr. Barbara Moody has over 35 years of experience in education as a teacher, school director, state grant manager, teacher preparation chair, and Head Start director. She lives with her husband Stan in Manchester, Maine. In retirement, she is finally having time to read, play music, and spend time with family.

Pastor Usman Raza
The Lord called Pastor Usman Raza to create a home church ministry in Lahore, Pakistan in 2013. It was the start of something new – (A New Adam) who never got tired, sick or unhappy. A Second Adam who preaches and people get healed, solving their problems and power of God start breaking the chains of generational curses, A new person who can feel the move of the Holy Spirit and can listen to the voice of the Lord even in the crowd.